31 jul 2012

Small loft full of life

Este pequeño loft de 58 metros cuadrados distribuidos en dos plantas está lleno de vida!! Del naranja en la decoración dicen que es un color que estimula la atención, contagia buen humor y utilizado en la cocina...quita el apetito!!! jeje :) Fotos de micasarevista vistas en Freshome.

Small Loft 2 Small Loft Featuring Bright, Vividly Colored Spaces

Small Loft Small Loft Featuring Bright, Vividly Colored Spaces

Small Loft 3 Small Loft Featuring Bright, Vividly Colored Spaces

Small Loft 4 Small Loft Featuring Bright, Vividly Colored Spaces

Small Loft 6 Small Loft Featuring Bright, Vividly Colored Spaces

Small Loft 7 Small Loft Featuring Bright, Vividly Colored Spaces

Small Loft 5 Small Loft Featuring Bright, Vividly Colored Spaces

Small Loft 9 Small Loft Featuring Bright, Vividly Colored Spaces

Small Loft 8 Small Loft Featuring Bright, Vividly Colored Spaces

Small Loft 10 Small Loft Featuring Bright, Vividly Colored Spaces

Small Loft 11 Small Loft Featuring Bright, Vividly Colored Spaces
Small Loft 12 Small Loft Featuring Bright, Vividly Colored Spaces

30 jul 2012

Closed for holiday

El Niyama Hotel es lo más parecido al paraíso y se encuentra en plenas Maldivas. Os dejo con unas cuantas imágenes por si os habéis quedado en tierra como yo :( Visto en Freshome.

Niyama Hotel in the Maldives 3 Luxurious Retreat with a Tailored Atmosphere Suited for the Modern Traveler

Niyama Hotel in the Maldives 26 Luxurious Retreat with a Tailored Atmosphere Suited for the Modern Traveler

Niyama Hotel in the Maldives 25 Luxurious Retreat with a Tailored Atmosphere Suited for the Modern Traveler

Niyama Hotel in the Maldives 1 Luxurious Retreat with a Tailored Atmosphere Suited for the Modern Traveler

Niyama Hotel in the Maldives 6 Luxurious Retreat with a Tailored Atmosphere Suited for the Modern Traveler

Niyama Hotel in the Maldives 13 Luxurious Retreat with a Tailored Atmosphere Suited for the Modern Traveler

Niyama Hotel in the Maldives 19 Luxurious Retreat with a Tailored Atmosphere Suited for the Modern Traveler