8 jun 2012

keep calm and...live in SF

Desde luego que con esta decoración se puede seguir el "keep calm and carry on" del que ya os hablé en entradas anteriores. Se trata de este dúplex localizado en San Francisco, CA. Visto en Decoist.

Modern Duplex Penthouse in San Francisco

Descarga estos fondos de pantalla aquí.

Modern Duplex Penthouse in San Francisco
Modern Duplex Penthouse in San Francisco
Modern Duplex Penthouse in San Francisco
Modern Duplex Penthouse in San Francisco 1 Modern Duplex Penthouse in San Francisco: Interior Design With a Twist
Modern Duplex Penthouse in San Francisco

Descargar aquí.

Keep calm and carry rum 16x20 by The Cocktail Gallery - $35.00
The original poster “Keep Calm and Carry On” was created during WWII to send words of reassurance to the British people. We have created a spoof off the original poster dedicated to all Mixologists who works the “grind” to “Keep Calm and Carry Rum”. 16x20 Poster is digitally printed on Kodak Matte paper. LIMITED TIME: FREE 11x14 poster while supplies last. The Cocktail Gallery.
- Found on Storenvy

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