1 ago 2012

Summer fruits...summer drinks!!

Frutas de verano, de día son la mejor opción para combatir el calor y una fuente natural de vitaminas, fibra y antioxidantes. Y por la noche...en cocktails!! :D Podéis verlos en estos dos artículos: 10 Cocktails for summer drinking y Delish 30 summer cocktails.

The Bramble


1 and 1/2 ounces Plymouth Gin
1 ounce lemon juice
1/2 ounce simple syrup
drizzle of Blackberry Liqueur (crème de Mure)
  1. Shake Plymouth Gin, Lemon juice and Simple Syrup over ice, in a shaker.
  2. Strain into a cocktail glass and add a dash of Blackberry Liqueur.
  3. Garnish with a  Lemon twist. 

Orange Splash


2 ounces Absolut Citron vodka
1 ounce Cointreau or triple sec
1 splash fresh lime juice
1 splash orange juice
Sugar, for garnish
Orange slice, for garnish


  1. Pour all ingredients over ice in a shaker or large glass and shake vigorously. Rim a glass with sugar and serve on the rocks. Garnish with an orange slice.

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